This short reference guide provides information on the status of various proposals for the reform of the international financial system. For more details, readers should consult the full text of relevant papers and reports, which are available on the IMF website (and links to which are denoted in the table by underlining). The two principal documents summarizing progress to date on strengthening the architecture of the international financial system are the Managing Director’s Statement of April 16, 1999 to the IMF Executive Board and his Report to the Interim Committee on April 26, 1999. The table below is an abbreviated version of Table 1 of the Managing Director’s Report. It follows the same outline and lists reform proposals put forth by the International Monetary Fund, other international bodies, national authorities, the private sector, and others. Progress to date and likely next steps are indicated for each major proposal, with the latter incorporating the recommendations contained in the Communiqué of the Interim Committee of April 27, 1999.